Be original and say “no” to monotonous walls in the office!

Nonetheless, when I wonder about them, all of them have one common thing – walls. And by “walls” I don’t obviously mean only physical walls. I think about the way how those walls were decorated. In every office they were always plain. Moreover, walls were not only plain but usually also white or in other clear color. I didn’t worry about it back then. I thought it just is supposed to look like that, that it is how it should be, that it is unimaginable to work in the office that has more colorful walls. But last month my colleague has opened her own company. The company has a rather small office but she invited me and a few other friends to see this office when it was eventually ready. And you know what I have seen in this office? Awesome photos on the walls! When you think about office wallpaper you presumably also think about monotonous and boring colors. Some examples you can find here: . But she had exactly opposite!
or you can check our proposal: wallpapers with the most recognizable architectural.